For me, the sugary outside and doughy inside of a hot Leonard's malasada is a Sunday visit with my grandmother. The savory, greasy, crispy skin of huli-huli chicken is a warm Saturday at a North Shore beach with my dad. My mother's home-made osechi is a busy New Year's Eve in our small kitchen and the whole family gathered around the table at lunch on New Year's Day. Food, family and the salty scent of sea breeze are inseparable in my memories of Hawaii.
Do you know that Miles Davis song, "All Blues?" It goes--"the sea/the sky/and you and I . . . " Well when I think of Hawaii, I sing to myself: "the sea/the sky/chocolate haupia pie . . ."
So when are you starting tours? The pictures of the food seem pure torture without an offer or opportunity to join at the table!
Aloha Jasmine, I spoke with your dad in person at work today, and he told me about your latest blog entry here on island foods during your visit back home for the holidays. So I came over to check it out.
The Tazakuri in the Osechi reminds me of the fairly recent posting I did on Iriko.
Also, I don't recall seeing single-slice servings of Ted's Pies in the grocery stores. Must be something they only offer in their bakery on the N. Shore.
Next time, you gotta' try the Pumpkin Haupia... supah ono!
Also, try stopping by Ani's Bakery in Halawa to try their Okinawan Sweet Potato Haupia Pie.. also supah winnahz. Kinda' expensive though, but ono.
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